Site Development Notes II Site…

Site Development Notes II

1/12/25 Status Report:

More progress has been made on the website, including CSS upgrades and back-end house cleaning. Next steps:

  • Adding more pages that support how Members engage with and contribute to the site, what I have now is too general.
  • Need to decide if the site should be fully setup to be private or public. I’m leaning towards a join application system. But it’s also possible to have the entire site just be public where only members of the site can contribute to the feed. Unlike Facebook, the entirety of the home feed would just be out there.
  • For the join application system, I’m thinking that folks would either fill out a survey or just require a “sponsor” to be added, where a sponsor is anybody who is already a Member of the site.

Documented Bug Notes

  • Sometimes while typing something long, the post editor can bug out, and the user can’t scroll up and down to see full contents. Just have to ctrl + A the content, refresh the page, and paste into a reset editor.
  • Inconsistent fonts due to CSS bugs depending on browser.
  • Notification CSS colors may be off on some browsers.
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