How to use our website 👨🏫
Our website is specifically designed as a resource and a tool to empower our membership to enact our platform. Think of it as a town hall for progressive action. Our secure, custom-built website is independent of major platforms. It also doesn’t aim to become a social network replacement. This is strictly a low-tech solution for communication and organization in support of our movement.
As you’ve seen, this website features a main feed. This main feed is a public messaging board. It has no algorithm or agenda to show you specific content, it displays what people post to it in the order that they post. This live messaging board’s purpose is to provide a place to discuss our progressive movement, support each other, ask questions, and to learn and educate about specific issues. Our content will be consistently moderated to stay on-topic. You might ask, why not just use Discord? We can and we do. But if any of our efforts are even just 1% successful on a national scale, Discord will disclose all of your chat logs if asked. To explain this briefly, or if you’re a student of history, you’ll know that any genuine attempts at left-wing organization is monitored or disrupted by capitalists. Let’s not give them a head start.
To get you started, we’re providing a list (which will be periodically updated) of recommended topics to post about, and a list of what not to post about.
Content that can be posted ✅
- New Member Introductions
- Discourse about our platform or progressivism in general, either to learn about, to educate on, or to discuss and debate with good intentions.
- Proactive discussion supporting our own membership undergoing hardship caused by systemic issues we are fighting against.
- Content related to organizing in any form, such as organized joint action in contacting legislators, spreading the word about a community or event, or recommending informed discourse and other allies.
- Content related to educating about specific areas of expertise that contribute to our platform’s impact.
- Proactive mutual aid and donation requests from real progressive candidates, organizations, and individuals engaging in progressive work.
- Photos or Videos related to any of the above subject matters.
- Website or WordPress account support questions—this is not a state-of-the-art website, you will run into difficulty.
Content that shouldn’t be posted 🚫
- Any breach of the Rebel Federation Community Rules.
- Re-posting news content and discussion of solely spectacle, especially from well-known sites engaged in distributing propaganda.
- Posting blatant propaganda or other malicious disinformation.
- Unrelated or out-of-context memes.
- Content baiting an argument or attempting to elicit certain responses.
- Insincere and repeated asks for help and mutual aid.
Have something that’s in a gray area not covered above? Post it anyway, and we can determine together whether it’s productive.