This page will be used to keep everyone updated about the site’s development status. We’re more than aware that this site is strung together with duct tape and luck. Our user experience is a work in progress. Please feel free to help us by reporting bugs and various problems you may run into while using our website.
Below is a list of all currently known issues. ⚠
Global Issues 🌎
- Some public login password reset page text is being hidden by conflicting CSS colors.
- The Login widget’s register button takes people to the Login page instead of Registration.
- On the Account page, text is hard to see due to conflicting CSS errors.
- Profile pictures from Mastodon and other Fediverse apps are not displaying on RFAN.
- When Users update their profile picture on Gravatar, it takes up to a week to update in Mastodon’s cache, so it won’t appear for a while on other apps, and may take up to a few hours here on RFAN.
- Public comments have the post menu toolbar, including the upload image button, which is disabled publicly. The button shouldn’t appear in this menu in the first place. Right now it throws an error when an upload is attempted.
User Experience Issues 😢
- When adding a title in the post editor, if the content is previewed, the title may jump into the body, leading to a duplicate title here and on Mastodon.
- Sometimes while typing something long, the post editor can bug out, and the user can’t scroll up and down to see full contents. Just have to ctrl + A the content, refresh the page, and paste into a reset editor.
- Mobile CSS missing custom page menu buttons and header.
- When using the Keyboard Shortcuts on the home page, the buttons used to go to next or go to previous post fire in linear progression, even if button mashed. Leading to automatic scrolling with long wait times. This feature should jump to the most recent button hit, and drop others in the queue to be more responsive.
Compatibility Issues 💾
- Chrome browser not supporting background CSS elements with opacity.
Please leave comments below with reported issues, we will periodically delete the comments and add them to this list unless there’s a thread going for troubleshooting.