We highly recommend that you read this page before posting on the timeline!
This is a brief training on both proper timeline etiquette and the minor technical knowledge required to make your posts look great (and show up correctly in the Fediverse).
This site works differently than traditional social media. It’s essentially one big live message board that lists posts in order. When you post something, everybody on the site at the same time as you will see it. Furthermore, your message will immediately be viewable on all other Fediverse nodes (Mastodon, Pixelfed, all of them).
Every account on our site also becomes an account in the larger Fediverse, searchable at @YourUsername@Action.RebelFederation.com.
So there’s no secret that we’re organizing, we’re doing it louder than ever before.
With great visibility comes great responsibility. 🖥
If you signed up for our site, and you’re able to post, you’ve been entrusted with representing our collective Federation. Upholding our values is one thing, creating discourse worthy of a platform is another. So below is a crash course in posting with us.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for members who would seek to abuse our website and our image. If your content infringes our community rules, or just isn’t productive for our collective mission, you may lose your right to post. Please review our rules here and make sure you’ve read this page.
Posting for the first time 📰
When you’re logged in, a new menu automatically appears atop the home page’s timeline.
This works near identically to a Facebook timeline post, and has some built in features that correspond with WordPress post writing. The biggest of which is that when you write a post, it’s in HTML! This gives users a full suite of options for creating a post, so let’s start from the top. The first thing you’ll want to do is start with this button in the top right.
When clicked, this button opens the Title menu. This is where the Title for your post goes. You do have the option to post without a title, but we encourage you to have one.
Now that you have your title, it’s time to write your post. To help, use the buttons in the top left.
These are self-explanatory for the most part. They’re helpers for writing. From left to right,
- B inserts bold tags (strong tags).
- I inserts italic tags (em tags).
- The link icon opens the insert link pop-up.
- The picture icon opens your file browser to upload media (it can be photos or videos).
- The quote icon inserts a block quote tags.
- and the code icon inserts code tags.
Here they are in action:
You may have noticed in this screenshot that we are now in the “Preview” tab. In the lower left, the Edit and Preview tabs are how you switch between your post’s HTML and a preview of how your post will display. This is critical if you’re unfamiliar with using HTML, and is a great way to test what your content will look like.
This also means that other HTML tags work, for example:
<h1>Title</h1>, h2, h3, h4, and h5 <li>List Item</li> <del>Strike through text</del> <ins>Highlight text</ins> <ul>Unordered list</ul> <ol>Numbered list item</ol> etc...
Images also insert with their proper tags:
<a href></a>
…and that’s the basics! ✅
The timeline’s menu is also used in comments when logged in, works exactly the same, and federates all the same in the Fediverse. With this understanding, this should be enough to get you started! 😀