
The Rebel Federation Action Network aims to create a reliable network of progressive allies on a website independent of established platforms, with the purpose of being a community-centered online resource for supporting class-conscious collective action.

What we believe in:

  • Late-stage capitalism is stripping our generation of a future, economically, environmentally, and socially.
  • It’s not about right vs. left, it’s the top versus the bottom.
  • The only real form of change is from bottom-up financial pressure and collective unity.
  • Progressive/socialist values are necessary in a modern Gilded Age, where the wealth gap between the ultra-rich and everybody else is larger than at any point in recent history.
  • Standing up to fascism is necessary when individual freedom and global security are on the line.
  • Preserving access to information and an Internet free of censorship.
  • We can be the people the world is waiting for in creating successful progressive collective action.

As a member of RF:

  • We support each other in all situations, our solidarity unbroken.
  • We pledge to stand up for one another whenever action calls.
  • We move together in unison, as a militantly organized coalition.
  • We change the world by upholding our values in all situations, as an individual and as a collective.
  • We fight the good fight.

Ready to make an impact? Learn about our platform here.

Other Information:

  • This site does not aim to become a typical social media site, it’s considered a live message board. Typical features you may be familiar with such as profile pages, groups, private chats, and most importantly, ads, are deliberately not established.
  • Posting and collaborating under a screen name is encouraged.
  • The website’s home page feed will automatically update without refreshing when new content is posted.

Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about how our Website operates.